Story is the song line of a person’s life. We need to sing it and we need someone to hear the singing. Story told, story heard, story written, story read, create the web of life in words.

Christina Baldwin

Storycatcher, 2005


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Stillness Speaks

It is amazing. Today is Wednesday, July 30th, 2014. My last blog entry was a year ago. So it's an annual blog, is it? I am smiling as I write that. Canadian speaker coach Jane Atkinson had a guest on her webinar some time ago. When asked about the frequency of blogging, the seasoned coach recommended nothing less that two to three blogs per week. Oh my!  My "annual" posts would not fly. But here I am.

Over the past few weeks several friends and colleagues, and yes, Dear Noel too, have asked about my blog. But it is the gentle nudge from Nanaimo poet-writer Mary Ann Moore that got me back to the blog. Thank you Mary Ann. Please check out her own site at Mary Ann invites us to "be amazed at what comes out of the stillness." I love that phrase and crave the stillness. I fear it and crave it at the same time. In this glorious summer of 2014. In June, I thought I had all the time in the world. The whole summer lay ahead of me. And now I only have to tilt my head a little and August peers back. I am also finalizing some storytelling and speaking plans for September and October and think how far away that is. And we all know it is just around the corner.

Yesterday I spoke with Beloved Irma, my ninety-year-old cousin. She is recovering from a stroke.
My traveling, singing, artistic cousin is forced into stillness. Her language and movements are impeded by the challenges of her body. But her mind is bright and alert. I ached for her as she shared her story. And I send love and ease to Irma as she slowly heals. This too is a nudge, a reminder to take care and take time, for myself and my dreams.

And I am busy. It's not all work; it's fun and play-filled too. I sit on the patio and walk the sea-wall and check out the summer concerts in the park, and the sand sculptures in Parksville. I play mini golf and eat the best blueberries and cherries I have ever tasted. I even remember to walk the Labyrinth from time to time. And in a circle of loving friends, I created a vision board: every image, every picture calls me to stillness and remembering. Which I have been dodging and avoiding.

So on this blogging day of days I honour the stillness and vow to take (at least) three minutes every day from today through August, to still my mind and body and open to what is. I invite you to join me in this adventure.

Gentle days to each and everyone.

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